Wow! It's been over 3yrs since my last posting...
The insanity of These Days is everywhere In Your Face... The crazies that run the world are (evidently) looking to "destroy all flesh". If you are Bible Believer, Christ Foretold this eventuality in Matthew 24:21-24. There is a great online searchable Bible at Choose your version, but I like the lyricism of the KJV. There is also that "...But for the Very Elect's sake, those days will be shortened!" Witness; so be of Good Cheer...
For 14yrs I have witnessed to the world via Internet discussion principally concerning Christians not yet Born-Again and Living In Relationship With Father and Son, that THESE Are The Final Days, and it's time to Answer God's Call. I have also written on the topics related to Self-Sufficiency which corelates to the 70's idea of Survivalism.
There are previous posts here related to some specific topics. Maybe I've done this "last minute preparations" post before? Well, here it is again!
IF you live within 10mi of a major US coastal city, or a primary military base which could be a nuclear weapon target REALLY NEED TO CONSIDER EVACUATION TO A SAFER AREA...
Nuclear War Survival Skills was written/compiled by Cresson Kearny of Oakridge Nuclear Laboratory, a US Government facility, published in 1979, updated in 1987; or so my hardcopy states. Maybe there's been further updates? I dunno... What I DO KNOW is you can get a FREE Download of this book at That website run by Shane Conner has other valuable FREE Info you can dowload and employ to enable you and yours to Survive A Nuclear Event, whether terror or ff; or nuclear war.
Nuclear War Survival Skills (FREE Download at contains The Best Info ever assembled on Sheltering. Chapter 5 and several of the Appendices show and discuss how an Expedient Shelter can be made in 12 hours or so by those who have Evacuated From The Fireball and Highest Blast OverPressures.
Tons of info that will help you make informed decisions in Nuclear War Survival Skills.
If you own some basic gardening gear and are fit enough to dig for several hours at a stretch, and you follow the ideas outlined, you can likely live through a war scenario. A FF or Terror Event will have no media coverage or warning announcement, but neither will those "events" be characterized by use of high-yield or widespread weapons. Maybe you luck-out?
Today is April 10, 2018.
The world situation is "fluid". Seems to me that any pretext to begin nuclear war on a global scale is being sought. Syria looks to be the flashpoint, but there are others...
My hope for you and yours, dear reader, is that you will Get The FREE Download at and read the chapters on Shelter-Making and then read all the rest. As Conner says, "the good news about nuclear war is it's survivable". If you KNOW What You Need To Do Before It Happens...
As with so many other things in life, a considered and prepared Response is always better than a knee-jerk reaction:
_Get Informed,
_Consider The Assets You Now Have To Work With,
_Make Your Plan,
_Work Your Plan.
Basic things you can do right now include:
_Keeping Your Vehicles Fully Fueled and Ready,
_Buy Extra Food, Canned & Other Long-Storing Foods Especially,
_Store Water & Get Some Plain HYPOCHLORITE Bleach To Treat Raw Water,
_Determine A Method For Disposal Of Fecal Waste,
_Take Steps As Necessary For Your Own Sheltering Needs,
_If You Own Firearms, Be Sure You Have Ammunition,
_Read Nuclear War Survival Skills and You'll Get More Informed....
There is No Reason To Expect Rational Decisionmaking from world leaders at this juncture. The Biblical Corelation is very plain. Some of the bad-actors on worldstage seem to be "forcing" events to align with Prophecy.
There is never a wrong time to Get Right With God! I ask All HIS Blessings Be Upon You!