Except This Time, it's different....
America has been Used & Ruined with a Treasonous Deliberation by not only its Elected and Appointed Government Officials at almost all levels, but also by the Financial Community and Leaders and Intelligentsia at positions of all Social and Business institutions and entities.
Has there been conspiracy? Beyond any doubt!
Saw a remark today on Zerohedge about the prescient Ayn Rand and how all the social infrastructure we call "banking" and "government" seems to be/is Shrugging... My conjecture is that as chaotic as all seems on the Global Stage, those who created the situations have done so intentionally. FDR is quoted as saying "Nothing in Politics Happens By Accident"...
The Golden Rule of Business is: Don't Kill The Goose That Lays Your Golden Eggs. Pretty sure nobody ever mentioned that at Wharton or Harvard Business School though. Else why would the best brains in business have done such a thorough job of killing off the juggernaut of business that defined The USA for decades? I mean you don't come up with plans to pay businesses $10,000 in cash (not tax benefits, actual money!) for EACH JOB moved to a qualifying foreign nation under The Caribbean Basin Initiative legislation and not expect men whose personal income is primarily derived from how much cash money their stewardship brings into corporate coffers NOT To Move every single job they can!!! So they did... And they moved the enterprise of America even further abroad and paid/enabled this with US Tax Dollars and Funding...
So, for perspective; Our elected officials voted to do dismember the economic vitality of The Nation THEY Swore An OATH TO PROTECT & PRESERVE...
How does Betraying your fellow citizens by allowing Their Taxed Money, paid to Support The US Government and Our Nation, get spent to Cripple Our Nation by eliminating jobs, reducing tax collection, reducing property values, and damaging OUR Infrastructure For Self-Sufficiency?
Government is supposed to Serve US, not serve us up to vultures who would feast upon US...
I could write on this subject for years. Really it all goes back to a motive for revenge against Andrew Jackson for routing out the first den of vipers who would have destroyed the USA in the 1840s. Just where do you think the idea for a "Civil War" came from? It sure wasn't about eliminating slavery...
In fact, if you look at the impact of all the outsourcing, plant closings, and creative financing-corporate raiding; it has all resulted in greater portions of the populace of The USA working in a fashion that bring a standard of living below what a slave in the 1800s would have enjoyed. Of course those struggling for their share of the American Dream Pie are free though, aren't they??? Not really...
To return to a closer examination of the topic... The world is about to have a go at Nuclear War because The Weapons Are There, and The Surplus Population Must Be Reduced. Ask Mr Mathus and Mr. Ehrlich and all the Limits To Growth crowd like Prince Phillip of England who when asked after he was dead, if he could be reincarnated, what would he come-back as? The Prince replied, " A virus!"
What really has already killed The World though is the proliferation of Derivative financial instruments. All eyes are on Greece at the moment, for will their default as expected from their "financial troubles"; troubles caused by the Wall St. & City Of London "paperhangers" a troupe of globe-trotting confidence men who loaded up the Greek Government with bad financing and criminally structured complex agreements, trigger a cascade of further defaults as those same City & Wall St derivative originators decide they will not pay because they cannot???
Such has been The Plan all along. How else can you explain how JP Morgan/Chase, a $3Trillion dollar conglomerate, (at best if you include bookvalue Goodwill, and all assets like realty, desks, business hardware etc), can be ISSUER & Counter-Party to nearly $90T in derivatives? I mean, how can a company with cash and marketable securities worth under a Trillion issue 90x their value in "security type contracts" that purport to insure and assure solvency?
JPM is one of the better-healed issuers in the $2 Quadrillion market and likely has further undocumented exposures. I would guess, as that is all anyone can do since there is no regulation or registry of Derivatives to control the market, that they probably originated 1/3 of all this mess...
The Derivative though, I will argue, was written to fail. Big D is The Bomb that ruins everything, but destroys nothing. It is the excuse to unlimber the Neutron bombs and Hydrogen specie to decimate earth once and many times over. The goal is a 95% reduction in population.
Are you prepared?
Are you watching The News about Israel-Iran?
Are you watching from your Bug-Out Location as long as communications hold out?
Hope you are warm, safe, well-fed and hydrated.
Hope you have capacity to stay well preserved and prosper by some modicum of self-sufficiency...
Seems pretty likely the game of fiat-money musical chairs is about to end and the only chairs remaining have been sabotaged and will collapse unexpectedly as all the Nations try to dodge the bullet...
Good Luck and May God's Blessings Be With you and your families...
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