What's New?
Been a while since the last post. Have been pretty busy acquiring some gear, selling some, and am recently into a building/adding-on phase. We've decided to add a GREENHOUSE, and also connect our home to our outbuilding garage. Doing this myself. Built the 2-story 24x36 garage and first addition to the house in Winter with Big-Help from a young-ish carpenter and two Ace Drywall guys. Work is underway.
Lots of focus on "Survival" these days. Mostly seems to be about gimmicks & guns.
Real focus I've always had has centered on FOOD, WATER, SHELTER, CLOTHING, HANDTOOLS, REFERENCE LIBRARY, FOOD PREP GEAR, AND CAMPING GEAR. Have always been a gun-person, began handloading in 8th grade. Rarely ever bought commercial loads for any of my shooting needs.
In 1988, wife saw Kurt Saxon on Donahue Show. We ordered his books and subscribe to The Survivor. Took us a couple years to move from The Big City, but we did. Saxon was the first to coin the term "Survivalism" and define it. He defined the term to effectively mean Self-Sufficiency. Saxon's books are mainly references for DIY skill acquisition. Some sections a bit hokey, like making wooden toys and puppeteering, but so much info is there. The Survivor series and the Chemistry book are very worthwhile.
"Survivalism" is a self-sufficient way of life. Those who foresaw the collapsing social structure we are now coping with, took Action; they moved out of the line of fire.
Figure you gotta have a level 4 vest and souped-up AK with 20 magazines to make your way through the chaos? You have already failed...
This blog is not about gimmicks or videos. Too many will watch and conclude they understand but never practice.
Food is a BIGTIME failure for most who seem interested in these topics. They conclude that freeze-dried meals are viable for longterm planning. They aren't. Might be tasty for a while. Might be fast and easy to prepare; just add boiling water... But "nutritious and healthful" they aren't. Costly, they are... Got money? The freeze-dried stuff is spendy.
The real ticket to food independence is in Quality Bulk Foods, mainly whole grains and organics if you can afford them. Need The Basics and food prep gear to adapt your meals for variety of taste and style. Chinese, Mexican, Italian, American, Cajun, Japanese are all cuisines you can adapt menus from with basic Beans, Brown Rice, Wheat, Corn, Oats and variety of seasonings, oils, and condiments. Doesn't take a lot of meat to deliver Big Nutrition and Nourishment. Brown Rice & Beans yields Complete Protein. Meat in small stir-fry portions laced with lots of small-chopped vegetables & sprouts is excellent way to feed a lot of people or use limited resources most wisely.
Survivalism is not about buying your way to see self through the chaos, but being far from the chaos and able to live self-sufficiently.
Not many interested in working their way to independence though...
Time, Ability, and Money are three variables. If you have the time and ability, plus access to materials; likely you can make much of what you need yourself. Money frees up your time and enables acquisition of gear immediately. Your commitment and two more of the three variables forms a Triangle Of Preparation. Time though is fast drawing to a close. Pretty doubtful that you have Time to build a self-sufficient homestead from scratch. Maybe you have time to get property closed-on and move-in with construction underway; but takes a couple years after your home is up & functioning to get gardens, fruit trees and other productive mechanisms in place...
We will all have to work with what we have very soon...
Money might give you an edge; IF you Know How To Deploy It and aren't afraid to commit your funds.
Best laid plans need ACTION to bring them into reality.
Hope you and yours are taking action NOW...
God Bless!
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